Largest collection of Lobo related memorabilia
James Azrael
2,260 total number
United States (Bolingbrook)

The largest collection of Lobo related memorabilia consists of 2,260 items and was achieved by James Azrael (USA) in Bolingbrook, Illinois, USA, on 23 July 2022.

James has spent nearly 30-years collecting memorabilia of the DC Comics character Lobo and is happy to have achieved a record associated with his passion. He was first introduced to the character in 1992 at The Whistle Stop in Hinsdale, IL.

I was in 8th Grade yet and had ridden my bicycle there to meet up with my sister’s boyfriend, he wanted to pick up some comics and I wanted to hang out with the older high schooler. It was like in the movies, a light shined down on Lobo’s Back #01 and it was all I could see… “STRONGLEY Suggested For Mature Readers!” …and this wild heavy-metal rock’n’roll biker with the words emblazoned across the back of his vest “BITE ME FAN BOY!” It didn’t matter what was inside at that point, I judged the book by the cover and judgment was I NEED THIS! So, this 12/13yr-old took that comic book, fumbled out the $1.50 plus tax and took my prized possession home to read. And the next 30-years of my life began at that moment…