Largest reward offered for a videogame glitch
"Pannenkoek2012", Super Mario 64
1000 US dollar(s)
Not Applicable ()

On 4 August 2015, Mario super-fan "Pannenkoek2012" offered a $1,000 bounty for anyone able to recreate a glitch that was accidentally uncovered by Twitch user "DOTA_TeaBag" in Super Mario 64 (Nintendo, 1996). The glitch had never been reported before in the game's then-19-year-lifespan, and occurred during the Tick Tock Clock stage. In it, Mario mysteriously warps to a new area, making it a potentially essential find for the game's legion of speed-runners.

"Pannenkoek2012" was also the first person to collect Super Mario 64's "The Impossible Coin", albeit in a tools-assisted run – 18 years after the game's release.