Most backwards body skips in 30 seconds
Gopinath V
29 total number
India (Chennai)

The most backwards body skips in 30 seconds is 29 and was achieved by Gopinath V (India) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 13 March 2021.

It has always been Gopinath's dream to have his name listed as a Guinness World Records title holder. Since his school days, Gopinath used to practice yoga and quickly realised that his skill and flexibility gave him the potential to achieve the record title. 'My body is flexible and adaptable and I used to practice bone breaking moves in my college days for dance competitions and then I believed that I could work on this and started to improve this skill.' Gopinath starts his day with over an hour of training leading up to his attempt. Following a healthy diet and focusing keeping his upper body supple. 'The training was bit challenging at the initial stage, but after many days of practice and doing proper stretches, I was able to overcome the difficulty level.' It took Gopinath 10 days to recover from his attempt before starting work on his next attempt.

'That'd be my biggest personal achievement and self satisfaction. I'm much motivated and it would give me the courage to face challenges in life and not the least, it gives me an unique identity among people.'