Most forward walkovers in one minute
Drashti Jaiswal
64 total number
India (Navsari)

The most forward walkovers in one minute is 64 and was achieved by Drashti Jaiswal (India) in Navsari, Gujarat, India on 4 April 2021.

Drashti wanted to achieve the Guinness World Records title for her country as well as reaching the highest achievement in the world. 'After joining my Gymnastics classes, with the constant practice and workout, I came to know my potentiality and my skills regarding my walkover. My Coach and my parents motivated me to prove my strength at the highest level.' During Drashti's practice sessions, she practiced different skills, then eventually focusing on the forward walkover. 'Being a Guinness World Records holder means to me everything. It will become a part of my life. the highest achievement will definitely make me famous across the world, and in my country itself. I will also keep on practice hard to break the record and to claim the new record.'