Fastest bipedal running robot
6.8 mile(s) per hour
United States ()

Thinking isn’t just about problem solving – it’s essential for physical activities too, such as running. This involves a vast amount of mental processing to get right, all of which must be done in real time, else the would-be runner falls over. And this makes it very difficult for robots to copy. Nevertheless, in August 2011 a bipedal robot, developed by the University of Michigan, set a new robo running speed record of 6.8 miles per hour – equivalent to a modest jog. The robot, called MABEL, spends 40% of its time while running in mid-air – just like a human runner – a feat it achieves using a complex set of computer feedback algorithms that enable it to maintain balance as it lands as each stride and then propels itself forward into the next. MABEL is even capable of reacting to changes in its environment – for example, running across uneven ground.