The Malacological Society of London

The Malacological Society of London is dedicated to the advancement of research and education on molluscs. It is an international organization based in London, UK, and welcomes as members all who are interested in the scientific study of molluscs. The Society was founded in 1893, with the objectives “to advance education, research and learning for the public benefit in the study of Mollusca from both pure and applied aspects".

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Oldest mollusc ever

The longest-lived mollusc - and indeed the longest-lived non-colonial animal ever discovered - is a quahog clam (Arctica islandica), which had been living on the seabed off the north coast of Iceland until it was dredged by researchers from Bangor University's School of Ocean Sciences in Wales, UK, in 2006. On 28 October 2007, sclerochronologists from Bangor initially announced that they had studied the annual growth rings in the shell and determined the clam to be between 405 and 410 years old. However, in November 2013, using more sophisticated ageing techniques, they revised this figure up to an extraordinary 507 years. The clam was nicknamed "Ming" after the Chinese dynasty in power when the clam was born; its estimated birth year of 1499 would also have meant that Queen Elizabeth I was still the reigning monarch in England at that time.