Fastest robot to solve a puzzle cube thumb

A team of engineers at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation broke the record for the fastest robot to solve a rotating puzzle cube. It only took 0.305 seconds for the robot to complete the puzzle - if you blink, you might miss all the action!

This record has been popular for years; in 2009, the record stood at one minute and four seconds, but the time had gotten shorter over the years. In 2016, the record finally broke the one-second barrier.

The leader of this record attempt was Tokui, who works at Motor & Generator Manufacturing Engineering Dept. at Mitsubishi Electric's Component Production Engineering Center. Tokui normally works on motor development, as well as utilizing the motor to manufacturing equipment.

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Read this article in Japanese here and find more news in Japanese here.

Tokui was certain of the high level of the products he is involved in. However, he wanted to showcase that in a way that wows people. That's why he decided to break a record.

So I checked the videos of the previous record holder, and I felt that the motor we have is better than theirs. So I was confident that we can beat them with speed.

In order to break the record, you not only need fast motors, but a series of components that work together. Wringing out milliseconds of speed was a different task, and proved to be a challenge.

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"Shaving off time as much as possible was difficult, but it was fun at the same time. I never had issues with motivation through the project," he said.

Perfecting the machine came with an unexpected issue: the puzzle cube struggled to keep up with the speed of the robot! The team continued to fine-tune the machine so that the puzzle wouldn't jam.

The robot was still on a tightrope, however. The first official attempt failed as the puzzle jammed up.

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In the second attempt, the robot was able to clock in a time that was never achieved in practice, and a Guinness World Records title was set. Tokui had told us that not only his team, but also many people within the company had helped achieve the goal.

I know that our products can make the world an even better place. I hope the record will allow people everywhere to know what our products are capable of.

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