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Electric car goes from 0 to 100 km/h in 1.461 seconds

By Amina Addow

A team of students from the University of Stuttgart (Germany) have broken the record for the fastest 0-100 km/h acceleration by an electric car, reaching the speed in just 1.461 seconds on 23 September 2022.

The team called Foerderverein GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V. consists of members who study a range of different subjects at the University of Stuttgart.

The students designed and built the e-vehicle in their own workshop on Campus Vaihingen.


The electric car affectionately named E0711-11Evo, weighs just under 145 kilograms and puts out a maximum output of 180 kilowatts on the road. This is thanks to the four-wheel drive being equipped with motors developed at the university, and a newly designed high-voltage battery pack.

However, the road to record-breaking success wasn't so smooth.

The team suffered a major setback in July, when the electric vehicle took off at a high speed and crashed into a stack of tires. 

Fortunately the driver was unharmed, but the vehicle itself suffered enormous damage.

There was even more heartbreak as once the vehicle was repaired the team suffered further technical problems the evening before the official record attempt.

Due to all of this, the trial was postponed at short notice, for three weeks.

Overcoming all obstacles, the date was finally set for September - where the record attempt finally took place on a race track on Robert Bosch Campus in Renningen, Böblingen district of Baden-Württemberg.

Once the start signal was given, the driver Diogo Silva accelerated the electric-car at record-breaking speed!

Foerderverein GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V have held the record twice, once in 2012 and more recently in 2015.

"We are delighted that we broke the world record and brought it back to Germany!" Pavel Povolni, first chairman of the Förderverein GreenTeam Uni Stuttgart e.V.

The record was previously held by AMZ Racing (Switzerland) who achieved the speed of 1.513 seconds on 22 June 2016.

Congratulations to the entire team!

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