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Vestel creates world’s largest animated mobile phone mosaic

By Rachel Swatman

Turkish home and professional appliances manufacturing company Vestel has achieved a Guinness World Records title for creating the Largest animated mobile phone mosaic.
The smartphone company set up 504 Vestel Venus V3 5570 devices on a wall at the recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.

The striking mosaic measured 7.44 square metres (80.08 square feet) in total and became one of the main attractions of the event.

Vibrant images moved seamlessly across the screens of the mobile phones in an intricate design that took Vestel years of research to perfect.

Official Guinness World Records adjudicator Jack Brockbank attended the event to formally verify the record and present the company with a certificate.
Having surveyed the mosaic, he went on to confirm that Vestel had successfully broken the previous record of 400 smartphones, achieved by China Unicom, Sohu IT and HTC in Beijing, China back in 2013.