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Paypal smashes world record for most money raised online for charity in 24 hours with $45.8m campaign

By Sophia Rocher

PayPal helped its users get into the spirit of giving during the holiday season by organising a huge charitable campaign that has set a new world record. 
Generous users of the online payment system around the world donated a staggering $45.8 million to various good causes, setting a record for the Most money raised online for charity in 24 hours
The record-setting fundraising period took place during December 1, 2015, as part of PayPal’s #GivingTuesday campaign – an initiative that was created as an alternative to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
On top of setting the Guinness World Records title, PayPal raised a total of $857 million in charitable donations overall during the Christmas period. Donations were sent from 7.24 million people in 183 countries and a total of 258,759 charities were supported.
“We thank all our donors who helped us bring smiles to more children during the holidays.” said Ettore Rossetti, Senior Director of Social Business Strategy and Innovation at Save the Children, one of the many charity’s to benefit from the campaign. “The spirit of giving during the holiday season funds our programs in 120 countries around the world including the United States. The sum of many small donations can make a really big difference in children’s lives,” he added
Commenting on the history making campaign, Franz Paasche, VP, Corporate Affairs, PayPal said: “PayPal is unlocking the generosity of global citizens by making it simple and secure for them to give to charities through their connected devices,”