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World-class juggler Michael Ferreri holds 15 records

By Jessica Dawes

Michael Ferreri, from Camas, near Seville (Spain) is a 23 year old, serial record-breaking juggler who has earned himself a spot in Guinness World Records 2021.

Michael currently holds an impressive 15 Guinness World Records titles for complex juggling challenges, including the most consecutive backcross juggling catches (5 objects) (269), the most 360 degree spins while juggling five objects in one minute (19) and the most consecutive overhead juggling catches with seven objects (71), for which he appears in the new Guinness World Records book- fulfilling a childhood dream!

Michael, who is a fourth generation circus performer, is proud to uphold his family’s tradition. He began juggling at the age of nine, practicing with just three objects. 

At the age of 13, Michael was offered the chance to perform in a well-known Norwegian circus; Cirkus Merano, and since then he has travelled to many different countries, to perform his act in different circus shows across Europe and the USA. He describes being able to perform and showcase his Guinness World Records titles on stage as “a true honour”.

Since he began learning to juggle, Michael has practiced every single day to allow him to build his skillset to the level it is now, which allows him to juggle seven items at once.

Although it took Michael many years to reach the extremely high standard needed to achieve his record titles, once Michael focused his efforts specifically on breaking his latest record for the most consecutive overhead juggling catches with seven objects, it only took him four months to perfect the speed required to achieve the title. 

Juggling is far more than just a hobby for Michael, it’s a passion, and as the holder of multiple record titles it comes as no surprise that he hopes to break many more juggling record titles in the future. 

He also hopes to break his own record for the most consecutive overhead juggling catches with seven objects again, to overcome his limits and prove to himself that even when it seems impossible, he is capable of bettering himself. 

Michael describes making it into the new Guinness World Records book as a lifelong dream- and when he set his sights on breaking the record, he had no doubt he would achieve his goal whilst doing the activity he loves!

Michael’s Guinness World Records titles:

Most consecutive overhead juggling catches with seven objects - 71

Most juggling catches in one minute (three objects) - 558

• Most juggling catches in one minute (seven objects) - 376

• Most juggling catches in one minute (five objects) - 409

• Most juggling catches in one minute (four objects) - 480

Most juggling catches in a minute with one hand (three objects) - 174

Most consecutive overhead juggling catches with five objects - 356

Most consecutive juggling catches with one hand (four objects) - 202

Most 360 degree spins while juggling three objects in three minutes - 102

Most 360 degree spins while juggling four objects in one minute - 26

Most juggling catches in one minute (three balls) - 558

Most consecutive backcross juggling catches (three objects) - 433

Most consecutive backcross juggling catches (5 objects) - 269

Most 360 degree spins while juggling three objects in one minute - 33

Most 360 degree spins while juggling five objects in one minute- 19

Michael’s latest Guinness World Records title will feature alongside thousands of others in Guinness World Records 2021 of the book which is out now!