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Welshman with 69 rabbit tattoos sets world record: “I’ve spent nearing £10,000”

By Sanj Atwal

A Welshman with a hare-raising number of rabbit tattoos has set a world record for the most rabbits tattooed on the body.

Craig Evans, 42, has a total of 69 unique rabbits inked on his arms, legs, and chest.

Craig Evans is an absolute sucker for some bunnies 🐰

Mae Craig Evans yn caru cwningod 🐰

— Guinness World Records (@GWR) March 1, 2024

When he got his first one in 2009, Craig says he had no idea that he would end up getting so many more, but after getting a second rabbit tattoo during a trip to New York, he decided to stick with the theme.

He has been tattooed by various artists from around the UK and beyond, including countries such as Japan, South Korea, Spain, France, and the USA.

The designs of Craig’s rabbits vary widely: he has realistic black and white rabbits, colourful cartoon-like rabbits, a pistol-wielding rabbit, a robot rabbit, and many others.

Craig, who works as a TV camera operator, estimates that he’s spent almost £10,000 ($12,700) and around 125 hours in the chair getting his tattoos. He says they were “worth every penny” and “worth every minute”, especially now that he’s received a Guinness World Records title.

Craig’s obsession with rabbits began as a child with characters such as Bugs Bunny, Roger Rabbit, and Thumper from Bambi. Then as he grew up, he started collecting rabbit-themed art from around the world.

“I love the aesthetic of a rabbit,” Craig explained. “They’re such cute creatures, and the juxtaposition of getting something so cute as a tattoo, which is usually renowned for being a tough person’s thing, is something I really like.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have any pet rabbits as I have a terrier called Bertie. I don’t think that would be a good pairing, but I love him very much.”

The only non-rabbit tattoo Craig has is one of Bertie, who is depicted wearing a bunny bandana to “keep the theme running”.

Having grown up reading the annual Guinness World Records books and watching the Record Breakers TV show, Craig is delighted to have earned his own world record.

“I always wanted to have a record but never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever actually get one,” he said.

“My framed certificate has pride of place on my living room wall and I’m genuinely so proud and happy! It’s a dream come true.”

Cymro gyda 69 o datŵs cwningen yn gosod record byd: "Rwyf wedi gwario bron i £10,000"

Mae Cymro sydd â nifer bwni-digedig o datŵs o gwningod wedi gosod record byd am y nifer mwyaf o datŵs cwningen ar y corff.

Mae gan Craig Evans, 42, gyfanswm o 69 o gwningod unigryw wedi'u hincio ar ei freichiau, ei goesau a'i frest.

Pan gafodd ei un cyntaf yn 2009, dywed Craig bod ganddo ddim syniad y byddai'n cael cymaint mwy yn y pen draw, ond ar ôl cael ail datŵ cwningen yn ystod taith i Efrog Newydd, penderfynodd gadw at y thema.

Mae wedi cael tatŵs gan artistiaid amrywiol o bob rhan o’r DU a thu hwnt, gan gynnwys gwledydd fel Japan, De Corea, Sbaen, Ffrainc, ac UDA.

Mae cynlluniau cwningod Craig yn amrywiol iawn: mae ganddo gwningod du a gwyn realistig, cwningod lliwgar fel cartŵn, cwningen yn chwifio pistol, cwningen robot, a llawer, llawer mwy.

Mae Craig, sy'n gweithio fel dyn camera teledu, yn amcangyfrif ei fod wedi gwario bron i £10,000 ($12,700) a thua 125 awr yn y gadair yn cael ei datŵs. Dywed eu bod “werth pob ceiniog” ac “werth pob munud”, yn enwedig nawr ei fod wedi derbyn teitl Guinness World Records.

Dechreuodd obsesiwn Craig gyda chwningod yn blentyn gyda chymeriadau fel Bugs Bunny, Roger Rabbit, a Thumper o Bambi. Yna, wrth iddo dyfu i fyny, dechreuodd gasglu celf ar thema cwningod o bedwar ban byd.

“Rydw i wrth fy modd gydag esthetig cwningod,” esboniodd Craig. “Maen nhw'n greaduriaid mor giwt, ac mae'r syniad o gael tatŵ, sydd fel arfer yn cael ei ystyried yn rhywbeth mae person caled yn ei gael, o rywbeth mor giwt, yn rhywbeth rydw i'n ei hoffi'n fawr.

“Yn anffodus, does gen i ddim cwningod anwes gan fod gen i ddaeargi o’r enw Bertie. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl y byddai’n syniad da, ond rydw i'n ei garu'n fawr."

Yr unig datŵ heb fod yn gwningen sydd gan Craig yw un o Bertie, ond mae’n gwisgo bandana cwningen “i gadw’r thema i fynd”.

Ar ôl tyfu i fyny yn darllen blwyddlyfrau Guinness World Records a gwylio’r rhaglen deledu Record Breakers, mae Craig yn falch iawn o fod wedi ennill ei record byd ei hun.

“Roeddwn i wastad eisiau cael record ond wnes i erioed freuddwydio y byddwn i’n cael un,” meddai.

“Mae gan fy nhystysgrif wedi’i fframio le amlwg ar wal fy ystafell fyw ac rydw i mor falch a hapus! Rydw i wedi gwireddu breuddwyd.”

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