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Spectacular display of origami dogs sets a record in Brazil

By Luisa Sánchez

Origami, an art form that originated in Japan, consists of meticulous paper-folding to create animals and other recognizable shapes.  
Ranging from basic to complex designs, artists transform paper into a multitude of shapes and sizes, all without cutting or gluing. This folding technique allows individuals' creativity and imagination to soar - and sometimes, it even leads to record breaking.  
Danilo Schwarz and Meire Matayoshi from São Paulo, Brazil fall into that latter category, as the pair have now broken a Guinness World Records title for the largest display of origami dogs with a total of 1,010 creations. 
The 1,010 dogs were assembled in 60 days using a variety of colored papers including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. 

Meire is a professional origamist who was born in Brazil, but she is of Japanese descent.  
She loves exploring her Japanese heritage and tradition through the art of origami. Over the years, she has become more passionate about learning more about the customization of origami, experimenting with various textures and colors of paper.  

Danilo comes from a different background. Danilo is an astrologer who never pursued origami, but longed to create something extraordinary, something record-breaking. He was determined to craft something that was impressive, challenging, and dog-related with his friend, Meire. 
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Meire then taught Danilo how to create the perfect origami dog. After much practice and training, Danilo invited Meire to attempt the record, and together they embarked on this magnificent adventure to a create the largest display of origami dogs. 

“Being a Guinness World Records title holder brings enormous satisfaction. Seeing all your effort and dedication being recognized and inspiring thousands of others to be creative and test your limits is incredible.” Danilo Danilo knew the animal he wanted to use for this record would represent protection, kindness, and forgiveness, so he chose man’s best friend, a dog.  -Danilo

To Danilo and Meire, dogs represent the ultimate companion, an animal who expresses and shares that pure, unconditional love with humans. 

Danilo and Meire’s objective with this record was to highlight the value of animals. With this display and achievement they hope to amplify three main messages that dogs represent loyalty, dedication, and affection.  

One of the most challenging aspects for both record holders was the number of figures they had to create. They were unsure if they could be able to meet the record minimum.  

However, when they started creating the origami figures, they realized that beyond the number and record attempt, they found value in just being part of a unique experience and enjoying its magic.  
This realization transformed those initial fearful thoughts into a theraputic art form, one which helped them to feel calm and reconnect with the present. This remarkable project was executed within the quarantine period due to COVID-19. 

“Folding is a therapy. You start the initial folds and, before you know it, you already have the piece ready. Maybe at the beginning, the folding doesn't go exactly the way you want, but you have to keep trying, and it will become easier with practice.” -Meire 

The 1,010 origami dogs represent the huge number of homeless dogs that are looking for a home to bring unconditional love, company, and loyalty to. 
Danilo plans to continue breaking records. One of his aspirations is to set the record title for the largest astrology class in the world. We wish him much success and look forward to many more achievements.