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12 siblings break record with combined age of 1,042 years

By Kristen Stephenson

12 siblings born in Pakistan have broken the record for the highest combined age, 12 siblings, with their ages totalling 1,042 years and 315 days as of 15 December.  

The D’Cruz family always knew their impressive size was quite unique, but none of them ever expected to break a record.  

They were all born to parents Michael and Cecilia in Karachi, Pakistan, but now live around the world in Switzerland, Canada and the US. 

The siblings' ages range from 75 to 97.  

The first born into the family was Doreen, on September 3, 1923.  


Following her lead are Patrick (September 30, 1925), Genevieve (July 4, 1927), Joyce (March 2, 1929), Ronnie (August 24, 1930), Beryl (August 26, 1932), Joe (June 1, 1934), Francesca (September 17, 1936), Althea (July 27, 1938), Teresa (June 9, 1940), Rosemarie (March 30, 1943), and lastly, Eugenia (October 24, 1945). 

A very close knit family, they try to meet up at least three times a year. 

However, in order to stay safe during the pandemic, they have all kept in touch virtually.  

In fact, every day at 11 AM, all the siblings have a video call to keep in touch – and they never run out of things to talk about!  

The children grew up in Pakistan, but eldest brother Patrick then moved to Canada for work, with the aim of bringing the rest of the family overseas.  

Sadly, their father Michael D’Cruz passed away when Eugenia was just a year and half, but the loss brought the family closer together.  

The siblings say that growing up they didn’t have much, but they cared for and loved one another greatly.  

Now a few live in other countries, but the majority remain in Canada.   

Joyce (the fourth D’Cruz sibling) spoke to media recently about the family’s achievement.

"It feels really wonderful. We’re very proud of the fact that we’re still alive. That’s the greatest part."

"I can't remember any of us ever having a fight where we would not speak to each other. We're all very close. We would do anything for each other."  - Genia Carter, the youngest of the D’Cruz siblings

Amid the difficult times of the pandemic, the siblings want their record to remind everyone that their loved ones are just a phone call away.