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Despierta América celebrates Dominican Independence Day with the Largest serving of mangú

By Sofia Rocher

Monday marked the 173rd anniversary for Dominican Republic Independence Day. As part of the celebrations, Univision’s morning television show Despierta America set about an attempt to break the record for the Largest serving of mangú. 
Mangú is a traditional Dominican delicacy prepared for either breakfast, lunch or dinner, made of mashed plantains and onions finished off with various different toppings. 
On this the occasion, the recipe of mangú prepared for the record attempt was called “Los Tres Golpes” and featured a topping of salami, egg, and cheese, along with a side of avocado. 

In order to achieve the record, the organisers needed to provide a serving of mangú that weighed more than 200 kg or 441.9 pounds. 

Taking part in attempt were staff from 809 Sangria Bar in the neighborhood of Washington Heights in New York City. 
The team of cooks from the restaurant prepared the recipe with a total of 290 kilos of plantains in a process that took around 10 hours.  

Guinness World Records official adjudicator Sarah Casson was on the site to approve the record, with a final confirmed weight of 292.57 kg (645 lbs) of mangú served up for the attempt.
Speaking after the official certificate presentation, Sarah said: “All of the chefs were exhausted after mashing the huge amount of plantains, but in the end their record-breaking effort was worth it! The attempt was a fun and exciting way to celebrate Dominican culture.”

Once the attempt was verified as successful, the festivities continued in full swing with the help of a local group of traditional Dominican dancers from Conjunto Folclorico Alianza Dominicana.
The mangú serving was shared with members of the public who gathered to watch the successful record attempt. 