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Watch the largest slime attempt at Play Fair in New York

By Kristen Stephenson

Those who attend Play Fair 2017 on Saturday 4 November will get a rare and exciting opportunity to witness YouTuber Maddie Rae attempt the world’s Largest slime

An annual event held in New York City, the expo is known for entertaining families with hands-on exhibits, displays, and games – but this is the first year it will host a Guinness World Records attempt, featuring one of the most popular kid activities: slime! 


Maddie Rae will be joined by 80 friends and slime-famous Instagramers ScentedSlimeByAmy, SlimeyCereal, TheBombSlime and RainbowPlaymaker, who will assist Maddie in making purple slime in a 25 ft x 16 ft container. 

In order for her attempt to be successful, Maddie and friends will need to pour over 11,024 lbs of powder, glue and liquid starch into a massive tub to achieve the record – no easy feat for the 12-year-old! 

Luckily, Maddie has had her fair share of practice with slime, and even has her own slime business out of her home in Connecticut USA. 

<script defer="" src="//" type="text/javascript"> </script> <p>She is most known for creating sparkly and mushy slime on her Youtube channel, Maddie Rae’s Slime Glue as well as her Instagram. </p> <p>Now as an official Guinness World Records attempt, Maddie will be aiming to make history at this year’s Play Fair, in front of thousands of children and parents. </p> <p>The official attempt will begin at <strong>11 a.m. at the Javits Center, in Manhattan,</strong> where a Guinness World Records adjudicator will be on-site to ensure all guidelines are followed. </p> <p>Once confirmed as a new record, Maddie and her slime entourage plan to give away 3,000 containers of slime as souvenirs. </p> <p>The remaining 2,000 will be sold online with proceeds going to Hand in Hand, a hurricane relief charity.</p> <p>In past, Maddie has created a full menu of recipes for the following slimes: scented and smelly, glow-in-the-dark, magnetic, color-changing, and more.</p> <p>Excited to attend? Families can get a $5 discount by using the code “GWR” <a href="">when purchasing tickets for Play Fair. </a></p> <p><img tcmuri="tcm:15-500426" src="/WebUI/Editors/CME/Themes/Carbon/Images/Controls/FormatArea/ImageBox.png" title="GWR Collection" alt="GWR Collection" width="684" height="457"/> <br/></p> <div class="wysi-grey-breakout-box"><strong>This upcoming attempt is one of many exciting records that exist in the <a href="" onclick="trackOutboundLink(''); return false;">Guinness World Records 2018 Edition</a>, <a href="" onclick="trackOutboundLink(''); return false;">Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition</a>, and the <a href="" onclick="trackOutboundLink(''); return false;">Guinness World Records Amazing Animals</a> - now available to purchase worldwide. </strong></div></body></html> Now as an official Guinness World Records attempt, Maddie will be aiming to make history at this year’s Play Fair, in front of thousands of children and parents. 

The official attempt will begin at 11 a.m. at the Javits Center, in Manhattan, where a Guinness World Records adjudicator will be on-site to ensure all guidelines are followed. 

Once confirmed as a new record, Maddie and her slime entourage will give away 3,000 containers of slime as souvenirs. 

The remaining 2,000 will be sold online with proceeds going to Hand in Hand, a hurricane relief charity. 

In past, Maddie has created a full menu of recipes for the following slimes: scented and smelly, glow-in-the-dark, magnetic, color-changing, and more. 

Excited to attend? Families can get a $5 discount by using the code “GWR” when purchasing tickets for Play Fair. 

This upcoming attempt is one of many exciting records that exist in the Guinness World Records Amazing AnimalsGuinness World Records Gamer's Edition, and Guinness World Records 2018 Edition- available now!