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Oldest living woman record holder passes away at the age of 116

By Rachel Swatman

Guinness World Records is saddened to announce that 116-year-old Susannah Mushatt Jones (USA), who held the title for Oldest person living (female), sadly passed away yesterday evening.
Born on 6 July 1899 in Alabama, Susannah went on to work as a live-in housekeeper and childcare provider. She lived through both world wars.

Guinness World Records visited Susannah on her 116th birthday and adjudicator Kimberly Patrick presented her with a certificate.
When asked for the secret of her longevity, she noted “sleep!”
While she’s lost her eyesight and is hard of hearing, Jones wasn’t bed-bound and only took two medications a day.
Susannah was just six years younger than the Oldest person ever, Jeanne Calment (France), who lived to 122 years and 164 days.
Last month we announced 112-year-old Holocaust survivor Israel Kristal as world’s oldest living man. He said: “I don’t know the secret for long life. I believe that everything is determined from above and we shall never know the reasons why. There have been smarter, stronger and better looking men then me who are no longer alive.”

Guinness World Records is currently investigating the title for the Oldest person living (female). Further information will be announced upon confirmation of the next record holder.