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Sixty-year-old Japanese lady organises largest gathering of people dressed as ninjas

By Rachel Swatman

It was third time lucky for sixty-year-old Kuniko Teramura (Japan), who has successfully earned a Guinness World Records title for the Largest gathering of people dressed as ninjas after attempting the record three times.
Earlier this month an amazing 268 costumed people grouped together at Jyosei Elementary School, in Hikone, Shiga, Japan where Guinness World Records adjudicator Mai McMillan was on hand to verify the record.
All the participants were dressed in black shinobi garb and held a weapon traditionally used by ninjas.

In Kuniko’s previous attempts, a number of participants were disqualified because their costumes did not meet the guidelines set by Guinness World Records. However, on this occasion Kuniko made sure that each outfit was perfect by preparing them herself.
Kuniko is a community-spirited lady who loves her hometown of Hikone city and chooses to attempt Guinness World Records titles as a fun way of bringing the local public together.

Following the ninja attempt the gathering set another record for the Longest line of carom game pieces with 2,142.
Adjudicator Mai was thrilled to present the group with official certificates confirming their incredible triumphs at the event.
Four years ago, Kuniko (who is a piano teacher) achieved the title Most musicians to play the same piano (relay) with 103 at the Shiga University Auditorium.