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Classics: Most motorcycles driven over the body whilst laying on a bed of nails

By Dan Thorne

Each week here on, we’ll be dipping into our extensive video library to bring you a classic piece of record-breaking action.
Australia's prolific record breaking extreme performance artist Chayne Hultgren, aka The Space Cowboy appeared on Italy's Lo Show Dei Record in 2011 to attempt a dangerous feat that involved being run over by a team of motorcyclists whilst laying on a bed of nails. Watch the action below.
With a time limit of two minutes, Chayne set a new record for Most motorcycles driven over the body whilst laying on a bed of nails, enduring the weight of 20 motorcycles for the TV broadcast.

We caught up with Chayne, whose current records include Most swords swallowed on a unicycle and Heaviest weight pulled with the eye sockets, in 2012 during his visit to London.
Two years later the record was broken, with a total of 31 motorcycles, achieved by Italy's Simone Calati in Cosenza, Italy, on 12 May 2013. As if lying on a bed of nails was not challenging enough, Simone decided to add an extra level of danger – by having motorcycles drive over him at the same time!