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Video: World record for largest tiramisu returns to Italy

By Victor Fenes

Italy is known worldwide for many things. From Rome's architecture with its imperial monuments, to Milan's fashion, to Venice's culture and carnival, to the striking beauty of nature in Tuscany and Sicily. But among them all, none of Italy's landmarks and achievements are perhaps quite as deliciously sweet as the nation's proudest dessert, the tiramisu. 

Sweet-toothed Italians were therefore left somewhat heart-broken earlier this year when the record for largest tiramisu was lost to Bahrain after The Gulf Hotel set a new benchmark with a super-sized version of the dessert weighing of 1,969 kg (4,340 lb 14.4 oz) was served up back in March.

All that changed this week, when Associazione Cons.erva, in collaboration with Despar, Latte Blanc, Caffè Toto and Uova Pascolo, restored national pride after preparing a new record breaking tiramisu in Gemona del Friuli, Udine weighing an incredible 3,015 Kg (6,646 lb) .

Over 200 people including 30 chefs came together to bring the record back to the desert's birthplace, proudly improving the record mark by over 1,000 kg. 

The record category stands as one of the most contested Guinness World Records titles, with past record-breaking tiramisu's having been made in France, Switzerland and Germany.

Watch how the cake was made.
