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Harry Potter and nursery rhyme character gatherings set records on World Book Day

By Jamie Clarke

It was a World Book Day to remember for over 1,000 children who achieved two book themed Guinness World Records titles as part of yesterday’s activities.   

Altmore-Lathom School’s Federation, which encompasses Altmore Infant School and Lathom Junior School in East Ham, London, amassed an incredible 925 pupils dressed as nursery rhyme characters to break the previous record of 391. Year 7 & 8 students at Tanbridge House School in Horsham are also record breakers as 521 students with wands in hand, scars on foreheads were dressed as Harry Potter to achieve the record.

Both schools won a competition which provided the opportunity for their school to attempt a Guinness World Records title of their choosing as part of World Book Day.

Victoria Ridley, Headmaster at the school, said: “The whole school are now Guinness World Records title holders and everyone associated with this feat should be extremely proud.” Children at Altmore-Lathom School’s Federation’s class made costumes ranged from nursery rhymes such as Hickory Dickory Dock, Little Bo Peep, Five Little Speckled Frogs and many more. 

A Hogwarts themed Tanbridge House School showed incredible organisation and wizardry most notably in assembling 521 students in Harry Potter costume.  Ross McKay, student, aged 14, said: “I felt so proud to be a THS student on World Book Day this year as we were given the opportunity by Guinness World Records to participate in such an inspiring event. Knowing we had an adjudicator there to give us the record instantly was a motivation to work well together on the day!

Guinness World Records Adjudicator, Anna Orford, said: “It was a real pleasure to be able to adjudicate a record attempt as part of World Book Day. I was blown away by the amount of preparation, commitment, imagination and desire shown by the children in the creation of their costumes. Well done to both schools in breaking two Guinness World Records titles.”

This once in a lifetime opportunity provided in partnership between World Book Day and Guinness World Records is a first and has allowed children the opportunity to break their very own world record. Both schools will also feature in the next Guinness World Records 2016 Edition (providing their record doesn't get broken!). 


Has this inspired you to attempt a Guinness World Records title? We’re already accepting applications for next year’s World Book Day so, if you’re associated with a school and would like to have an official Guinness World Records adjudicator present for your chosen record attempt, get in touch now!

You can make an application on our website, completely free, here