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WYMLW: Unicycles, tennis racquets and nunchucks...

By Adam Moore

Hello again, faithful viewers! The sun is out and it’s time once again to look at some of the videos you might have missed last week…

First off, have you ever wondered what it takes to become one of our official adjudicators?

In the most recent #askGWR, I caught up with some members of the Records Management Team to find out just what makes them tick...


Next, we’re back in the Slo-Mo Test Lab with Bing and he’s been pointing his camera at Mike Taylor, unicyclist extraordinaire...


The third episode of 'New Zealand Smashes' hit your computer screens last week.

The madcap record attempts included piano smashing and a grown woman squeezing through a tennis racquet...


Finally, Oli is at it again with his martial arts skills, or lack thereof.

This time he catches up with Samuel Sprague who is more than a little bit clever with a set of nunchucks...


Well, there you go.

See you same time next week for more of our YouTube highlights!