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WYMLW: Slam Dunks, Flaming Doors & A Wheel of Fortune…


Well, here we are again! The sun is STILL shining here in London, which feels like some sort of record in itself…

Anyway, without further ado, here are some of the videos you might have missed last week.

Like watching people duct tape their mates to walls? You DO?! Amazing – watch this video. It’s got people duct taping their mates to walls in it. Also, someone running through BURNING DOORS. Why are you still reading this drivel? Watch the video!


Next up, Mike is back and this time he’s meeting Vanna White. Our friends in the US will recognize her from Wheel of Fortune. Check out this video to see how she reacted to receiving her new Guinness World Records Title…


Next up, Oli has found himself in Houston, Texas at the home of Acrodunk. These guys will BLOW YOUR MIND. If you haven’t seen them in action, they do halftime performances for the NBA mixing trampoline skills with no-nonsense dunking…

Oh, and Oli gives it a go. I have to give it to him, he didn’t suck this time. Well done, Oli.


Coming up this week, we have more from the OMG! guys, plus a brand new #askGWR episode.

Stay tuned…