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WYMLW: Crazy Contraptions, Trampoline Skills and Sibling Rivalry...


Well, well, well… Here we are again. Time to take a look at some of the great Guinness World Records videos from last week...

Right, let’s start. Trampolines. They’re fun, right? Right...

Maybe not so much when you’re launching yourself in a pike, backwards, through a hole high up in the air.

No thanks.


Now, remember last week we took a look at Bing being less than kind to his sister? Well, revenge is a dish best served in a water balloon.

She could do with working on her throw though, I reckon. And maybe some cheaper balloons...


Finally, meet Colin Furze. He’s a madcap inventor from here in the UK but blink, and you might miss him.

He’s held a few Guinness World Records titles in his time, including the world’s fastest mobility scooter and the world’s fastest pram to name a couple.

I visited him in his Stamford workshop to see what makes a man who boils his tea with a pulse jet tick…


Before I leave you, some exciting news. Starting this week and going into next we have some exciting new shows coming your way.

First off, I’ll be bringing you the first episode of #askGWR, where we lift the lid on what goes on behind the scenes here at Guinness World Records.

Secondly, our very own Mike Janela from the New York Office will be bringing you a sports round up and, starting next week, the first of the brand new ‘Mike Meets’ series.

Stay tuned!