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Record Holder Profile - Kazuhiro Watanabe, the world's tallest mohican hairstyle

By Guinness World Record News

Kazuhiro Watanabe, owner of the tallest mohican hairstyle, paid a visit to the Guinness World Records office in New York City this week.

The fashion designer's mohican measured 113.5 centimeters (44.68 inches) high, and was verified in Tokyo, Japan in October 2011.

It has taken over 15 years for Kazuhiro to grow his hair to such a long length, and takes a team two hours, three cans of hairspray and one jar of gel to sculpt Watanabe's mohican.

Previously, the record for the tallest mohican was 80 centimeters (31.5 inches) and belonged to Stefan Srocka of Germany.

Kazuhiro's record and many, many more feature in the new Guinness World Records 2013 edition - is out now worldwide from all good retailers. Find out more about the book and its incredible augmented reality feature, and where you can buy a copy at