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Shortest man: Guinness World Records adjudicators travel to Nepal to measure Chandra Bahadur Dangi

By Guinness World Records News

Guinness World Records adjudicators will this weekend travel to Nepal to measure Chandra Bahadur Dangi after he approached us with regard to the world's shortest man title.

Chandra, who is said to be 72-years-old, has been widely reported as measuring just 22 inches tall.

This would make him over an inch smaller than the current holder of the 'shortest man' title, Junrey Balawing from the Philippines, who measures 23.6 inches in height.

If the claims are true, Chandra will not only become the shortest living man, but also the shortest living man in history.

The Guinness World Records Editor-In-Chief Craig Glenday is due to visit the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, where he will oversee three sets of measurements that are required for the record to be ratified.


Chandra's height will be taken both standing and lying flat over the course of 24 hours, with a final result calculated from an average of the three measurements.

• Make sure to log on to this Sunday, where we'll be the first to officially confirm if Chandra has made history.