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Largest Online quiz record set by Vodafone Turkey

By Guinness World Records News

There was nothing trivial about a record attempt by Vodafone Turkey last month, which saw the telecoms firm set a new benchmark for the largest online quiz.

Sales representatives from 42 different cities across the country logged on simultaneously to Vpro, a special Intranet program owned by Vodafone, and took part in a 45 question quiz for the attempt which took place on December 30.

Guinness World Records adjudicator Seyda Subasi-Gemici was on hand to adjudicate the hour-long quiz, checking the time records for log in and log out activities of the participants to make sure they adhered to the record guidelines.

The target to beat was 877 participants, a figure set jointly in 2010 by Yahoo! Germany, Cisco Networking Academy, and eGames Media.

The final total for contestants involved in Vodafone Turkey's attempt beat this by some measure, with a record-breaking 1,023 contestants taking part, bringing Vodafone Turkey-Chief Sales and Customer Operations Officer Mr. Sinan Kizildag and his team a much deserved world record title.