Longest beard on a living person (female)
Erin Honeycutt
30 centimetre(s)
United States (Caro)

The longest beard on a living person (female) is 30 cm (11.81 in) and belongs to Erin Honeycutt (USA), as verified in Caro, Michigan, USA, on 8 February 2023.

Erin’s beard is completely natural; she doesn’t take any hormones or supplements.

She has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which is a condition that causes hormonal imbalance and can result in irregular menstruation, weight gain, infertility, and excess hair growth.

Erin revealed that she was "probably shaving at least three times a day,” however, after partially losing her vision, she became “tired of shaving”, so her wife, Jen, encouraged her to grow out her beard.

Read Erin's full story here