Largest multiplayer game on a single screen
Phil Groman, Danne Woo, Federico Zannier
113 people
United States (New York)
The largest multiplayer game on a single screen consisted of 113 simultaneous players on the game Splat! (2013) developed by Danne Woo (USA), Federico Zannier (Italy), and Phil Groman (UK) and played at the IAC Building in New York, New York, USA, on 1 March 2013. Built for a video wall in New York measuring 120 foot, the game Splat allowed 113 active players to simultaneously connect to a multiplayer game on a single screen using their smartphones as personal game controllers. 113 active and simultaneous players for a duration of 48 seconds (30 seconds was the minimum requirement from GWR, as outlined in point 7 of the record specific guidelines, 21st February 2013). The event on March 1st 2013 was the public demonstration of final class projects at the IAC building where all 10 projects (including Splat) were shown on the big screen to a live audience that numbered approximately 300.