Largest donation of school supplies in 24 hours
Helping Hands for Humanity Virginia, Shukdevprasaddasji Swami (Gokuldham Nar)
56,505.400 kilogram(s)
India (Nar, Anand)
Age Restriction: Applications for this record title will only be accepted if the applicant is 16 years of age or over.

The largest donation of school supplies in 24 hours is 56,505.40 kg (124,573.08 lb), achieved by Shukdevprasaddasji Swami (Gokuldham Nar) (India) and Helping Hands for Humanity Virginia (USA) in Nar, Gujarat, India, on 21 May 2022.

The supplies consisted of over 400,000 notebooks and were distributed among 1,019 schools in the Anand district.