Highest-grossing actor duo at the global box office
Massimo Boldi, Christian De Sica
205904522 euro(s)
Italy (Milan)
The highest-grossing actor duo is Massimo Boldi and Christian De Sica (both Italy) whose 24 movies have grossed a total of 205,904,522 Euros (£184,508,174; $272,443,744) from 1991 to 2006. Much of the popularity of the duo's films, which has often confounded cinema critics, is also based on De Sica's and Boldi's ability to make Italians laugh at their own faults and peculiarities. Their respective roles represent conflicting elements of Italy's national character. De Sica tends to play the charming - often sexist - rascal, who tries to cheat his way through life with his good looks and crafty mind. In this, his characters are only partly successful. Boldi, who is short and fat, usually plays an upstanding member of society, someone who is honest but also a stickler for the rules and a little bossy.