Fastest journey from Land's End to John-O'-Groats by bicycle (female)
Christina Mackenzie
2:03:05:27 day(s):hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
United Kingdom (John O' Groats)

The fastest journey from Land's End to John-O'-Groats by bicycle (female) is 2 days 3 hr 5 min, achieved by Christina Mackenzie (UK), from 28 to 30 July 2021.

Christina has been interested in attempting this challenge for a long time. The previous record - 2 days 4 hr 45 min by Lynne Taylor (UK) - had stood for almost 20 years, making it even more appealing to try and break the record!

She first began cycling in 2012 when she signed up for a triathlon and has gradually increased the distances she cycles since then. In 2019 Christina had an unsuccessful attempt at this record where she was able to complete the distance but not in the required time. She then spent the next two years preparing for this attempt, including both physical training and planning the logistics of the journey.

During the attempt itself she faced a number of challenges, including the cold temperatures while cycling at night. She began to question herself and wanted nothing more than to get into the support car, but pushed through it and finished the remaining 150 miles.

On achieving this record, she said "this is a childhood dream, from watching Guinness World Records on TV growing up and imagining what it would be like to be a record-holder."