Fastest flight across the Atlantic
Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird
1/54/56.4 hour(s):minute(s):second(s)
United Kingdom (London)

The flight record is 1 hr 54 mins 56.4 secs by USAF Major James V. Sullivan, and Major Noel F. Widdifield, flying a Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird eastwards on 1 September 1974. The average speed for the New York–London stage of 5,570.80 km (3,461.53 miles) was 2,908.02 km/h (1,806.96 mph). The speed only slowed to refuel once from a specially-modified KC-135 refuelling tanker aircraft.

The aircraft then went on display at Farnborough Air Show for one week - the first time the secret plane had been on public display outside of the USA.

The aircraft flashed across the starting line (radar gates in New York) at approximately 24,384 m (80,000 ft).