Most balls passed by a duo whilst juggling
Luca Pferdmenges, Daniel Ledel
16 total number
Austria (Linz)

The most balls passed by a duo whilst juggling is 16 and was achieved by Luca Pferdmenges (Germany) and Daniel Ledel (Austria), in Linz, Austria, on 27 June 2020.

Daniel and Luca began as a duo 5 years ago and perform together for a living. They both work very hard, pushing each other to reach their full potential.

Luca describes the training in the lead up to the attempt as 'very difficult and challenging, but a lot of fun'. Despite the rigorous training, on the day of the attempt, the main challenge was not letting the nerves take over. The pair started the attempt by warming up with 10-11 balls before aiming for a higher number. Being warmed up and focused is crucial, according to the duo.

Being a Guinness World Records title holder is an honour for both Daniel and Luca, as it solidifies the idea that hard work, practise and dedication pay off.