Fastest time to solve a 2x2x2 rotating puzzle cube
Teodor Zajder
0.43 second(s)
Poland (Warsaw)

The fastest time to solve a 2x2x2 rotating puzzle cube is 0.43 seconds, and was achieved by Teodor Zajder (Poland) at the Warsaw Cube Masters 2023 event in Warsaw, Poland, on 5 November 2023.

Zajder also won the 3x3x3 average, with a time of 6.23 seconds, at the event. However, the current record is held by Yiheng Wang (China), with an average solve time of 4.48 seconds, set in Singapore on 20 June 2023.

This beat the previous record of 0.47 seconds, set by Wang Guanbo (China) in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, on 26 November 2022.