Most tricks performed by a rabbit in one minute
Aino Kivikallio, Taawi
20 total number
Finland (Turku)

The most tricks performed by a rabbit in one minute is 20, and was achieved by Taawi and his trainer Aino Kivikallio (both Finland), in Turku, Finland, on 15 December 2018.

Taawi is four years old and lives with Aino and another rabbit (his girlfriend Fuga).

The tricks performed were: 'Take the heel position', 'Go around the legs', 'Jump over foot', 'Give me paws', 'High five (right hand)', 'Spin right', 'Spin left', 'Jump over right arm', 'Jump over left arm', 'Go around the post', 'Jump over an obstacle', 'Take the toy out of the box', 'Knock over the bottle', 'Jump over the stick', 'Stand up', 'Pull a card', 'Cut the string', 'Roll the ball', 'High five (left hand)', 'Open the fist'.