Most runners in a horse race
Federation of Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers
4249 total number
Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)
The most runners in a horse race is 4,249 and was achieved by the Federation of Mongolian Horse Racing Sport and Trainers during an event organised by Mr.M.Enkhbold (President of FMHRST) and Mr.P.Sergelen (Secretary general of FMHRST), in Khui Doloon Khudag , Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 10 August 2013.

A total of 4,279 horses started the race and 30 were deducted from the final total as they did not finish the race course. The race covered a distance of 18 km (11.18 mi). The first 5 horses arrived at the following times: 1st place- 24 min 30.42 sec; 2nd place-24 min 30.46 sec; 3rd place- 24 min 30.54 sec; 4th place-24 min 31.23 sec; 5th place 25 min 02.36 sec. The youngest rider was 7 years old and oldest one was 79 years old.