Highest combined age of eight living siblings
Ira Coleman Halbert, Marie Coleman Goodwin, Thomas Wilson Coleman, Marjorie Coleman Simms, Clytice Coleman Dancy, Julius M. Coleman, Yvonne Coleman Streeter, Reese Coleman
701:302 year(s):day(s)
United States (St. Louis)

The highest combined age of 8 living siblings is 701 years and 302 days, and was achieved by the Coleman siblings (all USA): Ira (b. 24 December 1922), Marie (b. 6 September 1925), Thomas (b. 12 February 1930), Marjorie (4 June 1932), Clytice (b. 18 July 1934), Yvonne (b. 18 August 1941), Julius (b. 25 September 1944), Reese (b. 8 April 1947), as of 26 August 2022.

Most of the siblings live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.