Most walnuts crushed with elbow in one minute
Muhammad Rashid
315 total number
Pakistan (Karachi)

The most walnuts crushed with elbow in one minute is 315, and was achieved by Muhammad Rashid (Pakistan) in Karachi, Pakistan, on 22 August 2021.

Rashid is a serial record breaker and says that he practises 4 to 5 hours daily for breaking any record.

He has held this record title previously multiple times, back 2015, 2018, and 2019.

"First time when I broke this record it was easy at that time. But with the passage of time it kept on becoming difficult as many other players broke this record. Speed and focus was a little more tough during that training. My elbow got injured several times during training period but It did not stop me as I was eager to regain this record at any cost," he says.

Luckily, he was back to normal health soon after, ready to achieve some more Guinness World Records titles!