Largest collection of Swamp Thing memorabilia
John E Boylan
797 total number
United States (Sioux Falls)

The largest collection of Swamp Thing memorabilia consists of 797 unique items and belongs to John Boylan (USA). The collection was verified in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA on March 21 2015.

After having grown up watching the Swamp Thing movies, animated series and live-action television, John's collection did not actually start until his mid-twenties. After 5 years of collecting he has amassed an array of different items including 501 comics, advertisements, movie posters, figurines, clothing and even some original production art. Some of his favourite items include a Swamp Thing TV crew member jacket, a Swamp Thing promotional watch, a sleeping bag, an autographed DC Comics holiday card and of course, his collection of original comic book production art.