Most expensive diamond per carat
Blue Moon of Josephine
4,028,940 US dollar(s)
Switzerland (Geneva)

The record price paid per carat is $4,028,940 (£2,665,890) for Blue Moon of Josephine, a 12.03-carat cushion-shaped internally flawless fancy vivid blue diamond, which sold for US$48,468,158 (CHF 48,634,000; £31,939,478; €45,238,998), including commission, at Sotheby's auction, in Geneva, Switzerland, on 11 November 2015.

At the auction, the blue diamond, the first diamond or gemstone to surpass the $4 million mark per carat, also set world auction records for any diamond, gem or jewel.

Previously called Blue Moon, the internally flawless diamond was renamed Blue Moon of Josephine by Hong Kong tycoon Joseph Lau, who bought the gem for his daughter Josephine.

The diamond was found in the Cullinan mine in 2014.