Most bioluminescent insect
Pyrophorus noctilucus
45 total number
United States ()

The insect considered to be the most bioluminescent is the firefly species Pyrophorus noctilucus, which has been documented as having a surface brightness of 45 millilamberts. The light emitted by fireflies (which are actually beetles, not flies) is unique as almost 100% of the energy is given off as light. In a lightbulb only 10% of the energy is light with the other 90% given off as heat.

A lambert is a unit of luminescence and equals 3,183 candelas/m².

A millilambert equals 3.183 candelas/m².

A candela is the base unit for measuring the intensity of light.

They are usually between 10 and 14 mm long, weight: 0.3 g, lifespan: 10 days, discovered: 1758.