Each week here on guinnessworldrecords.com, we’ll be dipping into our extensive video library to bring you a classic piece of record-breaking action.
This week’s Classics video returns to the nail-biting moment Maurizio Zavatta (Italy) successfully broke the world record for the Fastest 100 m backwards tightrope walk in an incredible 1 min 4.57 seconds.
The feat was achieved outdoors on the co-filming set of CCTV-Guinness World Records Special and Lo Show dei Record in Kaifeng, Henan, China, on 20 May 2014.
Previously, the record was held by Aisikaier Wubulikasimu (China) who completed the challenging stunt in 1 min 49.8 sec.
The Steepest gradient walked on a tightrope was achieved by accomplished funambulist Freddy Nock (Switzerland) in 2015, who traversed a rope with an angle of inclination of 38.06°. For context, the slope of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is around 51°.
Russian performer Oxana Seroshtan recently set a record for the Farthest tightrope walk in high heels – as if walking along a razor-thin tightwire isn’t tricky enough as it is. On the set of Lo Show dei Record in Milan, Italy, the talented circus artist covered an incredible 15 m (49 ft) while wearing stilettos.
Farthest tightrope walk in high heels - side view
To find out about the latest record breaking achievements, order a copy of Guinness World Records 2016.